Ethiopia Missionary : Rev. Jong Kook Park
North Africa Mrs. Grace E.H. Chang

Add : SIM Ethiopia
P.O Box 127 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel 251 1 552348 Fax 511242
Rev. & Mrs Jong Kook, Grace Park
191-3 42/3 Bang Hwa Dong Kang Suh Ku
Seoul, Korea(154-221)
Tel 02)888-4813 666-7080(H) Fax 888-1739

" Envoys will come from Egypt; Cush will submit herself to God" (Psalm 68:31)

Feb 23rd, 1994

Dear Brother and Sister in Christ.

Warmest greetings in Jesus' name. Now, Korea is snowing all of the area that is covered. I'm preparing to go mission field and attending Mission Training Institute in Korea with my children. There are 125 students and 10 teachers in Mission Training Institute.

Now I'm serving the Lord as a vice pastor of Wang Sung presbyterian church.

Last year, I went to Eastern Europe and Africa. when I visited Africa. I went to Somallia and Ethiopia. The Country which was very impressive to me was Ethiopia.

In the past Ethiopia Christians couldn't pratice their faith because of the Russian communism and islam goverment which opressed the Christans.

In Ethiopia, SIM(Society for International Ministry) is doing much work such as teaching, Bible school, church planting, and medical care.

God has challenged me to work in Ethiopia, in Eastern Africa with those who don't know Jesus Christ as the their Saviour.

This year in May.

I'm going to this mission field with P.C.K. and S I M.

Last 1st Jan, 1993 to 10th Sep 1993. I visited different 12 countries. social country Cambodia,vietnam, Laos. and Eastern Europe Hungary, Romania, Eastern Africa Somalia, Ethiopia in 70 days mission trip. I've decided to go mission field Ethiopia. Ethiopia needs much of missionary. there is SIM works bible school, medical care

After mission survey, I have been spent lots of time with mission report. also I served this subject that who concerned missions "Mission seminars" Video and slide film report. I would like to challenge to world mission.

Pray for my mission work : Our mission schedule is :

1. Missionary Training Institute : 1 Jan- 4 Feb 1994
2. To visit Ethiopaia for mission field survey :23-26 Feb.94.
3. Attending Mission Orientation(P.C.K.) : 15-19th Feb. 94.
4. Missionary Commisioning Worship : 17th Apr.94
5. Fare well worship : 41st May 94
6. Depature to England for language school : 4th May 94
7. Language training : May 94.
8. Depature to Ethiopia for church planting, and teaching bible school

We do trust that the Lord will clearly guide you in His way.

Yours warmly in Jesus.

Rev. Jong Kook Park
Mrs. Grace Eun H. Park
Missionaries in Ethiopia